Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Weekly Gratitude: Tiny Pleasures from Nature and Friendship

This past week busy, busy, busy! I hardly had a moment to rest. But it was a very productive week nonetheless.

As a part of my commitment to self-care I tried very hard to make a conscious effort to give myself some time to just chill and do things for my own enjoyment. Making time for myself made a world of difference in my mood and ability to cope. I certainly hope to make a commitment to this new habit that almost always go to the back burner.

This past week, there were three moments/experiences that stood out in my mind as moments to be thankful for.

1.) On Wednesday, I was beyond exhausted. I worked from 8:30-12:00 at my job, then met with a client for my internship, and then I had two hours to myself before I had to go back to work till 8:30 for my internship. I was soo tired, and soo not in the mood to go back for another shift. I decided to go for a bike ride for 40 minutes before I had to go back to work. It was my first of the season, and it was soo beautiful outside. I probably got half a mile from my house when I got a phone call from my internship. I let it go to voicemail as I really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone. A few minutes later listen to the voicemail from one of my supervisors:

“Hi Nina, I just wanted to let you know that you don’t need to come in tonight if you don’t want to. We’re overstaffed”.

YES!! That is exactly what I needed to hear. I spent about an hour and a half out on the bike trail after that. It was so peaceful, so calm. The sound of the frogs croaking in the marsh, the birds chirping, the sound of the waves on the lake hitting the shore, seeing the flowers beginning to bloom, -it was all so unbelievably beautiful. I’m very grateful I got the night off. I needed it, and it was great.

2.) I’m thankful for Miss KathleenMae. She and I have never met, but have become “friends” through this little blogging world. We share a similar zest for life, and relate very well to each other in many ways. This past week, she wrote a post about me that was so sweet and kind. She discussed similar feelings about meeting new people on opposite sides of the world, yet cultivating a connection through these unique blogging communities. Blogging truly has enhanced my life in a way I never could have comprehended. I am thankful Kathleen has come into my life; for her kind words, her new friendship, and her comments of support.

3.) Finally, I am thankful for my boyfriend David who took me rock climbing yesterday. I’m a bit competitive, and consider myself fairly athletic, so I was really looking forward to it. I’ve only been once before, but it was nothing like the experience I had yesterday. First, I must say, I’m VERY afraid of heights! I really wasn’t sure how I was going to do it! It took me about fifteen minutes to feel comfortable on the wall and get past the height of it. I would climb ten feet and then go down; then fifteen feet, and then go down, then twenty, and so on. Eventually, my nerves calmed enough where I stopped feeling like I was about to cry.

Long story short, I did very well and I really enjoyed it. I chalk it up to my childhood years climbing trees. But the most wonderful part about it was that I wasn’t thinking about anything else the whole time. Even though it was physically exhausting, and I had to keep thinking about where I was going to move next, my mind was relaxed. There was a sense of clarity and calm that I have only experienced a few times my entire life. I’m someone who struggles constantly to be in the present moment. It’s so difficult for me. I’m always thinking about what I need to do next, how much time I have left of xyz, what things still need to get done, and so on, and so on. But for that hour and a half, I don’t think I thought about anything. It was wonderful. It was so needed. Ironically, I left feeling the same way I do after getting a massage.

So thank you David, for introducing me to something where I can shut down my mind and “just be”. I’m very excited to go again soon!!!

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